Welcome - first newsletter

Welcome to the Modern Man of Valor Newsletter #1!

Brothers in Christ, welcome to this first newsletter.

My entire goal is that you may be encouraged in your journey with Christ by reading these short thoughts I will send you throughout the week.

Here’s what you can expect from these newsletters:

  • Thoughts from the Word of God (where else can we find such power, peace, and purpose?)

  • Thoughts from great men of faith throughout history

  • A challenge for us to wake up, rise up, and go to war for the glory of God

  • Maybe some personal news here and there

Feel free to share this with friends who may need to be encouraged or email me if you have a question.

Thought for the day…

As I read and thought about this text the other day, I asked myself three questions that you may find helpful to ask yourself.

Do you pray?

There’s no doubt that David was a man of prayer and that we are blessed because the Lord led him to record some of them in this book. But the real question is not about David, but rather, “What kind of man am I?”

Honestly assess your life and ask, “Am I taking the time to bow before the LORD and lay my requests before him?” I have found that the more I pray to the LORD, the more joy I have.

Do you know Him?

David called on two eternal attributes of God because he knew Him well. He called on God’s faithfulness and righteousness. This would have comforted David greatly as he laid his request before God.

We need to be reminded of the character of God to believe that our prayers matter to Him. We must be reminded that he invites us into this incredible communion by the blood of Christ.

Search the Word, find out who God is, and then approach His throne, worshipping His character and eternal attributes.

Do you know yourself?

Even though he identifies as God’s servant, he knew that ‘no one’ was righteous before his Holy God.

David’s humble approach here ensures that he has the ear of God.

But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” Isaiah 66:2

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