Setting Your Mind on the Things of the Spirit

Setting Your Mind on the Things of the Spirit

Last night, our group discussed this passage from Romans 8:5.

We really talked about what it means to set our minds on the things of the Spirit. What are the things of the Spirit we should think about?

These are very important questions for the man of God.

There are many opportunities for us to set our minds on things throughout the day. Most of them may be related to work or family or some other responsibility we have.

But no thought is neutral. There is flesh, and there is Spirit. This is why Paul said in another letter, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.

So what should we think about?

Namely, two things…

  1. How we can practically ‘put to death the deeds of the body.’ - Romans 8:13. This is what Tim Keller says about this passage: “it means a ruthless, full-hearted resistance to sinful practice. The very word translated as “put to death” (Greek word thanatoute) is violent and total. It means to reject totally everything we know to be wrong; to declare war on attitudes and behaviors that are wrong—give them no quarter, take no prisoners, pull out all the stops.

    This means a Christian doesn’t play games with sin. You don’t aim to wean yourself off it, or say: I can keep it under control. You get as far away from it as possible. You don’t just avoid things you know are sin; you avoid the things that lead to it, and even things that are doubtful. This is war!”

  2. The next way we set our minds on what the Spirit calls attention to is to read, study, meditate, and memorize the Word of God. Essentially, the Spirit of God is living in us to make much of Christ. We do this by thinking about this incredible gospel we believe. This is not something we do naturally. Our flesh hates to submit to the Word of God. But the only way to live in the Spirit is to set our minds on what He finds glorious…and that is Jesus Christ!

Brothers, let our lives be a fragrant offering to the Lord today, tomorrow, and the rest of this week!

Quote of the day

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