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Arrest Him!

The Pharisees wanted to silence Jesus

Brothers, I hope you’re having a great Saturday.

I wanted to share some thoughts from my time in the Word this morning.

In this section of Scripture, the Pharisees wanted to arrest Jesus because they were threatened by his testimony about who he was. They wanted to silence him as quickly as possible.

But at this moment, his time had not yet come. It would be another six months before he allowed them to arrest him.

The World

Today, the world still wants to silence the words of Jesus. They don’t want to hear his message, “Repent of your sins and put your faith in me for there is no other way a man can be saved!”

Men believe they can save themselves. The sinful nature hates the thought of submitting to God, and so without the Spirit leading a man, he never will.

The world is fine with Jesus being silenced. They really don’t want to hear what he has to say.

Men in the Church

And what about us?

What about men inside the church? Do we want to silence Jesus?

I don’t think we would ever admit it out loud. However, the dust on our Bibles and the history on our browsers might tell a different story.

The way that men in the church silence Jesus is to ignore his words altogether. They take no responsibility to search the Scripture diligently to see him, hear him, submit to him, and obey him.

We don’t try to arrest him. We just ignore him.

The Takeaway

Saying (to ourselves and others) that we have a relationship with Jesus but not spending time with him is a convenient lie we tell ourselves.

It may make us feel better in the moment, but year after year, there is no spiritual fruit in our lives. We fail to lead in our homes, work, and church.

If you want to bear fruit that gives glory to God, you must spend quiet, uninterrupted time with Jesus Christ. This has been the way for all of God’s mighty men of valor throughout the centuries. Start today.

In our community, I’ve started building a new Natural Porn Killer curriculum.

New Course Coming Out

After working with hundreds of men over the past five years, I’m distilling the most impactful truths into a shortened course. Join us if you want to be a part of our brotherhood.

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